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西班牙TECNA2000叉车公司简介:TECNA 2000是西班牙著名的工业搬运车辆制造商,该公司拥有现代化的生产线及叉车制造技术。其产品包括内燃叉车、电动平衡叉车、电动托盘叉车、电动堆高机、前移式叉车、窄通道叉车等。公司总部位于西班牙的Arazuri-Orcoyen。该公司之在西欧之英国、德国、法国、葡萄牙均有设有分公司,产品的主要销售区域在西欧各国。 Welcome to TECNA 2000 TECNA 2000 is a company who has a highly ambitious project, based on the application of the most modern technology for electrical fork lift trucks and towtractors. Our whole production range is equipped with alternative current electrical motors and high frequency controllers, which together with twin drive motors gives a performance and safety level higher than other products which are available in the present market. |
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