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Airtrax 是世界上第一台商业生产的全向叉车 ATX-3000的最初设计者和开发商。

Airtrax 于 2000 年推出了这款令人惊叹的汽车概念,并于 2005 年 9 月至 2006 年 3 月期间生产,并在 2008 年公司停止所有运营之前将其推向市场。Airtrax 制作了其他几种类型的车辆原型,包括高空作业平台 COBRA 系列,但这些车辆都没有生产或销售过。

Vehicle Technologies, Inc. 于 2010 年根据许可恢复 ATX-3000 的生产。并于 2013 年 6 月停产

SIDEWINDER 不再生产新产品,仅提供在二手叉车市场,或作为来自 Vetex 的翻新单元。

Vehicle Technologies 继续为 SIDEWINDER 提供更换零件以及翻新二手机器。

The Omni-Directional wheel was originally patented by a Swedish inventor and sold to an American corporation.The patent was purchased by the US Navy and the technology was advanced for proposed material handling on ships during the 1980"s and early 1990"s.ln 1996 the Navy transferred this technology to Airtrax for commercialization through a Cooperative Research and development Agreement(CRADA).Since then Airtrax examind tested and redesigned every facet of the system.Using new ideas and technology,Airtrax has engineered commercial vehicles that are both practical and economical making Omni-directional products commercially viable for the first time.

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