液压固定式登车桥是实现货物快速装卸的 专用辅助设备,它的高度调节功能使货车与库房的货台之间架起一座桥梁,叉车等搬运车辆通过它能直接 驶入货车内部进行货物的批量装卸,仅需单人操作,即可实现货物的快速装卸。它使企业减少大量劳动力 ,提高工作效率,降低生产成本,是现代企业安全文明生产,提高物料流通速度之必备。
Mobile Hydraulic Dock Ramp is a special ancillary equipment which can be used with the forklift for loading and unloading goods. Moreover, fork vehicles can drive directly from ground to carriages to carry out batch load and unload tasks. This product is completely hydraulic drive without having to take power supply. And it can successfully realise rapid load and unload of goods by an individual. And it also allows companies to reduce a large number of labour-force, geminately improve working efficiency, and speed up the circulation efficiency of materials in order to obtain greater economic benefits.