

转载 2020-07-10 14:24 科尼港口解决方案 来源: 科尼港口解决方案

2020年第一季度,S.p.A. Servizi Industriali (SIR)追订了新的一台生态高效科尼Gottwald移动式港口起重机,用于其在意大利东南部布林迪西港的运作。这台起重机将于5月交付并于6月调试,用于装卸大部分散装货以及杂货和超重及大件货物。

In the first quarter of 2020, SIR S.p.A. Servizi Industriali (SIR) ordered another eco-efficient Konecranes Gottwald Mobile Harbor Crane for their operations at the Port of Brindisi in southeastern Italy. With delivery in May and commissioning in June, the crane will be handling mostly bulk but also general and project cargo.

SIR的第二台科尼Gottwald移动式港口起重机将是配备电动抓斗的5型G HMK 5506起重机。这台起重机工作半径达51米,提供超巴拿马型船所需的延伸长度,最大起升能力达125吨。智能起重机功能包括起升高度辅助和陆侧降低功能,令操作人员的工作更简单、更安全。起重机将配备内置外部电源。因此在具资源许可的条件下,与港口主电源的连接将很容易。得到的网络报告功可提供相关的起重机数据,在提升其性能的同时也提高了使用的可靠性。此外,这台起重机还符合意大利工业4.0计划中规定的标准。意大利工业4.0计划是一项国家经营策略,鼓励推动工业创新。

Their second Konecranes Gottwald Mobile Harbor Crane will be a Model 5 in the G HMK 5506 variant with a motor grab. Its working radius of up to 51 meters gives the reach needed for ships up to post-Panamax class and raises the maximum load they can handle up to 125t. Smart crane features, including a hoisting height assistant and land-side lowering, make the job of the operator easier and safer. The crane will have built-in readiness for an external power supply, so conversion to operation via the harbor mains will be easy when resources allow. Web reporting provides relevant crane data to increase both performance and serviceability. It also fulfills the criteria set out in Italy’s National Industry 4.0 Plan, a state strategy that encourages industrial innovation.


“We’ve been very pleased with our first Konecranes purchase.With its maximum lifting capacity of 80t it offers us already high flexibility in bulk materials and general cargo handling. But now we need to increase capacity. We decided on Konecranes again because we were looking for a high-performance crane that would allow us to handle much larger volumes of bulk, as well as more general and heavier project cargo when required.”

—— Mr.Antonio Roma


Managing Director and owner of SIR

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