转载 2023-01-09 11:01 科尼港口解决方案 来源:科尼港口解决方案News Release
美国德克萨斯州的休斯顿港为其旗下的Barbours Cut集装箱码头和Bayport集装箱码头分别订购了14台和12台科尼混合动力型轮胎式集装箱门式起重机(RTG)。此次订购将助力休斯顿港实现其扩建计划,以做好充分准备去接纳更大型的集装箱船舶,以及应对不断增长的集装箱装卸业务量。该订单是科尼集团于2022年第三季度签订的。该批起重机将于2023年下半年开始交付,直至2024年中期交付完毕。
Port Houston in Texas, USA, has ordered 14 hybrid Konecranes RTGs for its Barbours Cut Container Terminal and 12 hybrid Konecranes RTGs for its Bayport Container Terminal. The order supports the port’s expansion as it gets ready to receive larger container ships and higher volumes of container traffic. The order was booked in Q3 2022. The crane deliveries will start in the last half of 2023 and continue to mid-2024.
此次订购的科尼混合动力型RTG采用了锂离子电池技术和电池管理系统,可监测电池的充电情况和总体运行状况。科尼集团可以通过TRUCONNECT®远程监控系统监控该系统的状态。混合动力系统为完全模块化且可进行改装。该系统包含一台生态高效的Tier 4f柴油发动机,在必要时可为电池充电。
The hybrid Konecranes RTGs on order feature advanced Li-ion battery technology and a battery management system that monitors the charge level and general health of the batteries. Konecranes can monitor the status of this system via TRUCONNECT® remote connection. The hybrid power system is completely modular and retrofittable. It includes an eco-efficient Tier 4f diesel engine that will charge the batteries when necessary.
The RTGs will have a lifting capacity of 50 tons while stacking containers 1-over-5 high and 6 plus truck lane wide. They will be equipped with the Active Load Control system, which eliminates container sway. They also include the following smart features: Auto-steering, Stack Collision Prevention and Truck Lift Prevention.
Port Houston
休斯顿港正努力实施航道改造项目和土地基础设施投资计划,以实现港口扩建目标。2021年该港口的集装箱装卸业务量同比增长了15%。作为其投资计划的一部分,港口已经订购了26台科尼混合动力型RTG,以增强其目前已在Barbours Cut和Bayport集装箱码头投入运作的科尼RTG车队的装卸能力。截至目前,两大集装箱码头的起重机车队包括90台科尼柴油RTG和26台混合动力RTG。
Port Houston is expanding significantly with a channel improvement program and land infrastructure investment. Container volumes grew a record 15% in 2021, year over year and as part of its investment program, the port has ordered 26 hybrid Konecranes RTGs to reinforce its current fleet of Konecranes RTGs at its Barbours Cut and Bayport container terminals. Across the two terminals, the current fleet comprises 90 diesel Konecranes RTGs and 26 hybrid Konecranes RTGs.
“休斯顿港一直致力于提高生产率和集装箱起重机的生态效益。科尼混合动力型RTG的可靠性、生产力和生态效益已得到认可,而休斯顿港的这份新订单就是有力的例证。”科尼港口解决方案区域销售副总裁Jussi Suhonen说道。
“Port Houston is forging ahead in both productivity and container crane eco-efficiency. Hybrid Konecranes RTGs have a proven track record, and this new order from Port Houston exemplifies this,” says Jussi Suhonen, VP Regional Sales, Port Solutions, Konecranes.
A strong focus on customers and a commitment to business growth and continuous improvement make Konecranes a lifting industry leader. This is underpinned by investments in digitalization and technology, plus our work to make material flows more efficient with solutions that decarbonize the economy and advance circularity and safety.
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