WM535手柄式电子油门 WM535
WM535 Electronic Hand Controls Throttle Assmbly
The 535 is single-axis hand control with electronic output designed for use in a variety of off-road applications.
The 535's versatile design allows it to be fitted with diffient contact or non-contact type position senition and different lever arms ,depending on specific cuetomer requirements .The assembly body is molded Nylon 6/6,and features a powder-coated steel lever arm with padded vinyl knob.
产品特点 Features
* 产品主体用玻璃纤维填充的尼龙6/6成型 Glass-Filled Molded Nylon 6/6 Body
* 密封标准符合IP67 Environmentally-Sealed to IP67 Specifications
* 钢制操控柄可切换 Interchangeable Steel Lever Arm
* 握紧力可在15-50牛之间调整 Factory-Adjustable Holding Force 15-50牛
* 带螺纹的铜制嵌件方便安装 Threaded Brass Inserts for Mounting
* 设计寿命100K次 Design Life 100K Cycles
* 线束可选配--附操控柄 Optional Cable-Attachment Lever Arm