

转载 2020-07-24 17:26 科尼港口解决方案 来源:科尼港口解决方案

弗林德斯港控股公司(Flinders)于2020年3月订购一台高效节能环保的科尼Gottwald 6型移动式港口起重机,用于其子公司弗林德斯物流(Flinders Logistics)在南澳阿得莱德港的运营业务。这台起重机计划于2020年8月交付,并将有助于提升散装货物和杂货的装卸服务能力。

In March 2020, Flinders Port Holdings (Flinders) ordered an eco-efficient Konecranes Gottwald Model 6 Mobile Harbor Crane for their subsidiary Flinders Logistics at Port Adelaide in South Australia. With delivery planned for August 2020, the crane will increase capacity in bulk materials and cargo handling services.

这台新型起重机是科尼Gottwald 6型移动式港口起重机(G HMK 6407双绳起重机),最大工作半径为51米,最大提升能力为100吨,可用于超巴拿马型船和好望角型散货船。这台起重机主要用于将精矿从特殊的小型散货集装箱装入船舱。集装箱由起重机配备的旋转吊具装置起升。起重机智能系统有助于防止散装材料意外卸到码头上。这一系统与起重机智能系统协同作用,大幅减少灰尘污染和泄漏,进而将环境影响降至最低。此外,起重机支持外部电源,根据ISO 14001 环境管理体系认证的要求,可以进一步减少环境影响。

The new crane will be a Konecranes Gottwald Model 6 Mobile Harbor Crane in the G HMK 6407 two-rope variant. With a maximum working radius of 51 meters and a maximum lifting capacity of 100t, it can be used with vessels up to post-Panamax and Capesize Bulker classes. The crane will be mostly loading mineral concentrate, tipped into the ship’s hold from special low-profile bulk containers lifted by a rotating spreader unit attached to the crane. Smart crane features prevent accidental discharge of the bulk material over the wharf. Working together, this system minimizes environmental impact by greatly reducing dust and spillage. In addition, the crane supports an external power supply, reducing its environmental impact even further and helping to maintain ISO 14001 environmental management certification.


“As the purchasing officer, I’ve had the pleasure of working with Konecranes since the Flinders Group bought their very first harbor crane in 2011, The team at Konecranes has always been supportive and responsive to our needs and provides additional services like annual maintenance inspections. We look forward to the arrival of our third machine and to developing our relationship further.”

—— Mr.Shane Haywood


Inventory Specialist at Flinders

弗林德斯物流是一家位于南澳海运枢纽及首府阿德莱德的物流和码头装卸服务公司,致力投身澳洲矿产资源以及石油和天然气领域。自2011年以来,他们开始使用最大提升能力为100吨的科尼Gottwald移动式港口起重机进行矿产的散货与超重及大件货物的装卸,包括串联式提升。随着业务不断发展,Flinders集团期望使用另一台起重机来维持其优质的码头装卸服务。凭借多年的起重机操作经验,他们决定再一次选用生态高效的科尼Gottwald 6型起重机。

Flinders Logistics is a logistics and stevedoring services company focused on the mineral resources and oil and gas sectors in Australia. The company is based in Adelaide, the main maritime gateway and capital of the state of South Australia. Since 2011, Flinders Logistics has been operating 100t Konecranes Gottwald Mobile Harbor Cranes to load bulk cargo vessels with mineral products and heavy project cargo, including tandem lifts. As Flinders’ business grew, they wanted to ensure that they could maintain the quality of their stevedoring services with an additional crane. Having operated the cranes for many years Flinders chose Konecranes to provide an additional eco-efficient Model 6 crane.

科尼港口解决方案亚太区销售总监Michael Green对此表示:“近十年来,我们与Flinders集团之间维系着稳固的合作关系。我们很高兴看到他们不断壮大业务,并选用新型科尼移动式港口起重机。Flinders对我们的产品信赖有加,而我们同样为能够提供品质上乘的装卸设备,帮助他们提升澳新地区业务而感到兴奋。”

“For close to a decade, we have enjoyed an excellent relationship with Flinders, and we are delighted to see them grow and choose Konecranes for their new Mobile Harbor Crane purchase,” says Michael Green, Regional Director Sales APAC, Konecranes Port Solutions. “It is great to see the trust placed in our products and we are excited to be able to provide high-quality equipment and help Flinders lift their business Down Under.”

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