产品推荐 | 靠普软包夹!
转载 2022-03-03 15:33 靠普叉车属具 来源:靠普叉车属具正如你所见,叉车属具并不一定以熟悉的颜色出现。更重要的是:恶劣工况下的可靠性。在这个案例中,KAUP属具,软包夹4T413,具有加强夹紧型材和坚固的夹臂结构,正是回收行业客户正确的选择。
As you can see, attachment and forklift truck do not always have to have the familiar and expected colours. More important are: reliability in the intended area of operation. In this case, the KAUP attachment, a 4T413, with solid reinforced design clamping profiles and strong slim arm construction is the right choice for a customer from the recycling industry.